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March 4, 2022

How to Generate Leads for Your Medspa or Surgery Practice (and Turn Them into Patients) - Pt. 1

Connor Goulding-Miles
Founder, Goldsmith Growth


In this two-part series, I'm breaking down how to generate leads online and turn them into new patients.

These are the exact steps I've used to generate thousands of new patient leads and patients for my clients.

By following this process, you'll be able to create a roadmap that turns your online presence into a powerful revenue source that unlocks your next wave of growth.

In part one, we discuss:

  1. How to simplify your marketing
  2. What your business should be showing prospects online
  3. How to create meaningful content that your prospects love
  4. The importance of creating a learning environment that brings you new patients

Let's dive in.

Simplify What Marketing Means for Your Practice

It's easy to be overwhelmed by marketing.

There are always going to be new marketing tools and technology. There are always shiny new objects to chase.

But some things in advertising remain constant.

Marketing, in its simplest form, comes down to three things:

  1. Captivating ➡️ Getting peoples’ attention
  2. Educating ➡️ Giving people the opportunity to learn and gather information
  3. Converting ➡️ Presenting people with a strong offer they want to say “yes” to 

Captivate, educate, convert. 

The Three Step Marketing Cycle

Whether it's your website, social media, or email marketing, everything you do online should always be doing at least one of these three things.

Fads come and go. Captivating, educating, and converting is something your business can build on forever.

Treat People Like People

Every patient has a unique path that leads them to a cosmetic procedure.

Your goal should be to speak to each of your prospects like you’re talking to them face to face. 

If your content lumps everybody together - people ready for a cosmetic procedure and those who aren't (and everybody in between) - your messaging won't resonate with anybody.

In marketing, there's a saying that you speak to no one when you speak to everyone.

The more your online presence shows people what they want to see when they want to see it, the more they'll trust your business and the more likely they are to become your client.

We’ll be using the Three Phases of Cosmetic Surgery Leads to do this. 

The Three Phases of Cosmetic Surgery Leads

The Three Phases represent the lifecycle of your prospects from beginning to end.

Here’s how it breaks down:

Phase One: Not Considering a Procedure

This is step one in the buyer journey, and it’s where most of your potential patients are. Marketers refer to this stage as the “top of the funnel.” 

Your goal at this stage is to get eyes on your practice and be as informative as possible. Articles, guides, and how-tos perform well at this stage. 

And because you aren’t asking people to buy right away, it’s relatively easy to use your best content to generate leads.

You can, for example, create an in-depth breakdown of how to lose weight in the midsection and then advertise that guide to people online in exchange for their contact information.

We’ve generated thousands of leads using this exact method. 

This is just one example of a cheap and effective way not just to get eyes on your practice but build your contact list.

Phase Two: Considering a Procedure

This is step two of the buyer journey, also referred to as the “middle of the funnel.”

It boils down to three things:

  1. Your prospect is aware of a problem (belly fat, sagging skin, wrinkles on their face, etc.)
  2. Your prospect is aware of your solution (liposuction, skin-tightening, injectables, etc.)
  3. They aren’t ready to pull the trigger on getting a procedure yet

This is when your prospect starts to think: “Hmm… I want a slimmer waistline. Maybe a procedure can help me get there.”

People at this stage are hungry for information about their problem and the procedures available to help them. 

The most impactful thing you can do is provide it. 

If they’re interested in weight loss, help them understand how the ins and outs of how weight loss works, both with and without surgery.

Give them tips. Help them become more informed about their body and the options they have. 

This helps them become more informed buyers and helps build trust between your prospects and your business.

Phase Three: Ready to Book a Procedure

This is what marketers refer to as the bottom of the funnel.

This is when someone decides they want a cosmetic procedure done and ready to find the right surgeon.

Make this process easier for them. 

Provide access to your reviews on your website. Give them plenty of before and after pictures to look at. Help them understand pricing and financing. Help them know your availability and how soon they can expect to see you. 

Remember, the average person spends 71 days researching a big purchase before buying. So make this phase easier for them. 

Lastly, focus on making it easy to reach your office. It’s a giant leap to finally pick up the phone or fire off that contact form on your website. Make that process more manageable and less stressful for them.

We’ll be breaking down exactly how to create powerful booking pages that get you patients online in part two.

The Three Phases in Review

As you can see, The Three Phases help us understand the timeline of prospects and show them the things they want to see. 

The big picture goal for your practice is to have content (articles, social media posts, ads, webpages, and more) for people in all three phases.

Below, we’ll help you do that. 

Create Meaningful Content

We just reviewed the Three Phases. 

Now, let’s put them to work. 

For now, we’ll stick with our example of someone interested in losing weight in their midsection. 

At this point, they’re in Phase One (not considering a procedure). 

Remember, someone in Phase One is unlikely to see an ad for cosmetic surgery and show up at your clinic tomorrow.

99.99% of them will scroll right by these kinds of ads without it even registering in their brain.

Instead of pitching your practice, the goal is to create captivating and powerful content that grabs their attention and builds trust with your business. 

Think of your marketing like dating and your pitch as your proposal. Don’t propose on the first date!

We’ll use our Content Cheat Sheet to create something people want to see. 

Here’s how the formula breaks down:

  1. What do people ask about weight loss? -> How do I lose belly fat?
  2. Who asks these questions? -> Women and moms over 40
  3. How can I turn the answer into something people want to click on? -> By making an article, post, video, etc. 

Using this simple formula, we create the title of our content:

5 Proven Ways to Eliminate Stubborn Belly Fat After 40 (With and Without Surgery)

5 Proven Ways to Eliminate Stubborn Belly Fat After 40 (With and Without Surgery)

Simple, specific, and attention-grabbing.

This article accomplishes a few things:

First, it’s gives something helpful and informative to someone who might become a patient at your practice. It helps you build trust with them and starts your relationship off on the right foot.

Second, you’ve learned quite a lot about your new prospect just by nature of them clicking on the article.

For example, we know that they (in all likelihood):

  • Want to get rid of weight in the midsection
  • Have tried losing weight in the past
  • And that they’re over 40

That’s a lot of information!

As you move through this article and start planning content for your future patients, remember that being specific goes a long way.  

In part two of this series, we’ll cover how to create content for people ready to book a procedure, including what you can do to make your website generate more booked consultations.

This is just one piece of content for one procedure.

Imagine having an arsenal of content like this for each procedure your practice offers.

Also, think about all the ways you can repurpose content pieces like this. For example, one great article can become multiple emails, social media posts, ad campaigns, and more! 

Create a Learning Ecosystem

Above, we discussed treating your prospects like unique individuals (they are!) and the value of meaningful content. 

The end goal is to create a living, breathing ecosystem of powerful content that helps you educate your audience and serve as your marketing strategy's foundation. 

An ecosystem that lives online and helps you generate leads and build trust in your practice 24/7, 365.

People are thirsty for knowledge, and your prospects are no exception. 

They love watching videos, reading guides, how-tos, reviews, and anything else they can get their hands on.

By being this source of information, you’ll accomplish three things:

  1. Help people by giving them the information they’re looking for 
  2. Establish yourself as an authority in your space
  3. Create a great first impression on people who are seeing you for the first time

Earlier, we used the example of 5 Proven Ways to Eliminate Stubborn Belly Fat After 40 (With and Without Surgery) for someone interested in reducing fat in their midsection.  

But that’s just one example.

You have infinite possibilities.

Here’s how you can get started. 

Start by jotting down the procedures your practice specializes in. 

It could be many things; it could be just a few. 

But write them all down.

Now, using the table below, fill in each column. I recommend spending extra time on the content idea section because this is what you’re going to end up putting in front of people. Make it count!

Here are some examples for liposuction:

Send this sheet to your staff. 

And from now on, make a note of the questions you hear from prospects when you meet with them.

As you continue brainstorming, consider the many ways you can turn these questions into online content.

For example, you can:

  • Write blog posts for your website
  • Write emails that go out to clients and prospects
  • Create downloadable guides to generate leads
  • Post videos on social media platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok

I recommend keeping this sheet handy to track all the questions you hear. Have your front desk person or whoever spends the most time on the phone with prospects keep notes here as well.

Also, make sure to dedicate time to your content ideas!

Consider these two articles about weight loss. Which one do you think got more clicks?


The goal of this series is to help your practice get more patients online. 

In part one, we focused on the fundamentals, including:

  • How to simplify your marketing (Captivate, Educate, Convert)
  • How to understand people’s unique journeys to cosmetic surgery
  • And how to create meaningful content for your practice

Using this as our foundation, you’re ready for the fun stuff. 

In part two, we’ll be breaking down:

  • How to run ads that people want to click on
  • How to generate leads using social media
  • How to turn your website into a place where people want to book appointments
  • and much more

Want us in your corner, working with you and your team to build an outstanding online presence that brings you new patients on autopilot?

Click here to schedule 20 minutes on my calendar. 

If you don't feel more confident about your marketing after our call, I'll send you a $50 gift card for wasting your time.

- Connor Goulding-Miles, Founder | Goldsmith Marketing

Founder and principle, Connor Goulding-Miles
About the author

Connor has a decade of experience empowering small and medium-sized businesses to reach their full potential. When he's not busy crafting winning marketing campaigns, Connor indulges his creative side by writing music, traveling, and experimenting in the kitchen.

Connor Goulding-Miles